In case you have an additional day before or after a safari trip in Tanzania or if you have a day to spare in Morogoro while waiting for a transfer, consider going for a hike in the Uluguru Mountains. You can either trek to Bondwa peak or Lupanga Peak or visit Choma Waterfall. It's a delightful way to spend the day as the route is more of a walking tour through steep dirt trails that pass through villages rather than a challenging hike.

In case you have an additional day before or after a safari trip in Tanzania or if you have a day to spare in Morogoro while waiting for a transfer, consider going for a hike in the Uluguru Mountains. You can either trek to Bondwa peak or Lupanga Peak or visit Choma Waterfall. It's a delightful way to spend the day as the route is more of a walking tour through steep dirt trails that pass through villages rather than a challenging hike.

                                                                                  THE LUGURU PEOPLE

By visiting the village you will have have an opportunity to meet with local people (Luguru people), get to know their history and culture and also visit a beautiful waterfall. This tour takes 5-6 hours walking to and from.