This tour may be short, but it offers a great opportunity to witness the "big four" animals, which are easily accessible from Dar es Salaam. Spanning across an area of 3230 square kilometers, Mikumi National Park is nestled between the Uluguru Mountains in the north and the Lumango Mountains in the southeast.
In the early morning, around 4:00 AM, you will be collected from your hotel in Dar es Salaam to commence your journey to Mikumi National Park. Along the way, there will be brief stops at various locations before continuing the drive to the park. Upon arrival in Mikumi, you will check in and begin your game drives. The drive to Mikumi typically takes around 5 to 6 hours. Game drives will continue until approximately 3:00 PM, at which point you will start the return journey to Dar es Salaam. The timing of the game drives can be tailored to accommodate your flight or boat departure time, if applicable. In Mikumi, anticipate sightings of lions, buffalos, giraffes, wildebeests, zebras, impalas, warthogs, elephants, hippos, and over 300 species of birds. After the game drive, you will depart for Dar es Salaam. Upon your arrival, you will be transported back to the airport or your hotel, marking the end of your day trip.

-Use of 4x 4 safari vehicles with pop up roof for game viewing
-Meals as indicated in the safari itinerary
-All park fees
-All conservation fees
-Unlimited game drive
-Two bottle of water only during game drives

-International Flights
-Personal Insurance